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Old habits NEVER die. Once a neural habit pathway is forged, it remains. Cues are associated with certain rewards, and habit strength increases when the repeated behavior produces satisfactory experiences. Therefore, to change a habit, the old cue and reward are retained, then they’re countered with a new routine that produces the same gratifying feeling.

In other words, bad habits like eating unhealthy foods are instantly gratifying.  If you want to change your eating habits, you need to replace the old habit with a new habit that will make you feel good!  

 How to get there:

  • Decide to change-–committing to change is a predictor of success
  • Believe in change—when believing in change becomes a habit, change becomes real
  • Pick one specific habit to change—focusing on just one habit conserves willpower
  • Identify the routine—journaling helps identify repeated behaviors
  • Isolate the cue—writing down the location, the time, the emotional state, who was present and the action/event that took place before an urge occurred helps identify the trigger
  • Experiment with rewards—trying different rewards can isolate a craving
  • Plan—deciding what to do to revise the old habit loop is the last step

Are you ready to change some of your old habits?  Are you ready for a new gratification?  Join me on a fitness journey to a healthier, fitter you!.  Email me for details on how to get started!


  • –using smaller plates, bowls and drink glasses can reduce how much you eat
  • –eating breakfast can control appetite all day
  • –watching tv while eating creates a distraction that causes you to eat more
  • –the more you chew, the fewer calories you’re likely to consume

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