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Max:30 Month One Results, Testimonial, and Meal Plan

insanity vs. max30, new shaun t workout

So excited to share with you my thoughts on MONTH ONE of Insanity Max:30.  Over 3 years ago I bought Insanity off of an infomercial and completely transformed my body.  I became a coach to help others on their health and fitness journey, and honestly I didn’t think there was a way that Shaun T could create a more difficult program than Insanity!

So while I’ve been working out with Max:30, I’ve been thinking about some of the differences and similarities between the two programs. Here’s the deal- they both will kick your butt whether you are into the extreme workouts or not, but the point of Max:30- you hardest until you CANNOT go any harder.  You want to increase your Max Out time at each workout.  With Insanity, I think you just collapse or spent half the time looking at the tv saying, “Oh hellz, no!”

I personally have had to follow a few of the modifications.  It’s not a sign of weakness.  Instead I look at it as an opportunity to perfect my form!  Love that the modifications are extremely challenging too!

max30 workout, transformation max30

Throughout the program, meal planning has been critical to my success.  Afterall, nutrition is the key to long term results, right.  SO I have been using my containers to ensure that I am keeping my portions in check, and that I am eating enough calories throughout the day!


I also make sure that I am drinking enough water too! I strive to drink at least 60 ounces, but aim to drink about 100 ounces!  Here is a sample of my meal plan that I use for the program.

max30 sample meal plan, what is max30
Getting Support! 
what is a challenge groupThis is a difficult program to follow, and it can get frustrating when you feel like you aren’t getting stronger, but each workout brings you one step closer to results.  I highly suggest doing this program with the support of an accountability group.  An accountability group, also known as a challenge group, is an online support group that provides daily motivation, tips, recipes and meal plans to help you stay on track.  Participating in online accountability groups is simple.  You click here to participate in a group, fill out the application below and voila!  As your coach, I will make sure that we select a program (even if it’s not Max:30 that fits for you!) and then we begin to work together to help you achieve your goals!   It’s all about pushing one another!  Yep, you even get to push me a little too!
Measuring Success!
So throughout the program, the best way to measure to success?
>>>Check your max out times. Are they improving?  Are you using less modifications? 
>>>How about your clothes are they fitting little looser.  Are you tightening in different areas?  
>>>Confidence- Are you finding yourself talking about it?  Are people noting your results? 
max30 female transformation, max30 results
No matter how you are measuring success, make sure it goes beyond the tape measure and the scale.  Success comes in our energy, our confidence, and our strength.  I also tell all my customers to take the dreaded before pictures!  
Are you ready to begin your own transformation with help from me, a coach?  Are you ready to take your fitness to the next level?  Are you ready to stop guessing and do what is GOING TO WORK? 

Why not you?  Why not become the next success story? 
Click BELOW to complete the application!  I’m currently accepting applicants for our next challenge group!
Cheers to you and your transformation! Cheers to the next 30 days for me!

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