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T25 Fast Track Plan

T25 transformations

So I have been chomping at the bit to start T25 because I’ve seen firsthand the CRAZY results my challengers have had with the program.  Not to mention as a mom with a newborn, time is not necessarily on my side.

I am not really one to allow the scale to be the only measurement of my success, but I KNOW that I have my workouts cut out for me.  One of my favorite things about the Beachbody workouts is the disappearance of guess work. When I worked out in a gym, I never really knew what to do to really get great results.  It was all a guessing game.

T25 womens transformations
Christina’s T25 Results!

With Beachbody, I don’t have to guess at all.  I get a schedule for all my workouts as well as a nutritional guide to help me incorporate healthy eating with my workouts. Not to mention, you get to work with a coach, daily to help you achieve your goals.

T25 fast track T25, the 25 minute workout brought to you by Shaun T (um think condensed version of Insanity) even came with a 5 fast track to really jump start my weight loss goals and stay motivated. The plan consists of 5-6 meals a day of a healthy fats, protein , and carbohydrates to keep my metabolism fueled throughout the day. 

So while I am still a couple weeks away from beginning the workout, I thought maybe I could begin this journey with a little Shaun T nutrition. Here’s what the 5 day fast track meal plan looks like.

T25 meal plan
To receive any of the recipes, message me!

Next week,  I will be starting a clean eating group with other women who are ready to say no to diets and hello to a whole new way of eating right.  Want to join?  Send me a message or simply click the link above and request to join.

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