business opportunity MLM MLM success stories successful beachbody coaches work from home

Coaching: What’s it all about?

So for those of you that follow me and read my blog on a regular basis you know that I share a lot of health and fitness information, but I also share a lot of personal information about my life too.  As many of you know I am now 39 weeks pregnant with my second little guy, and as of this week, Mike and I made a HUGE decision!

It’s so big, I can’t even believe that I am putting it into writing.  It’s not a decision we made lightly or one that  I am totally comfortable with even now, but I feel confident that it is the right choice for my family, and my passion as a Beachbody coach has given us the freedom to make this choice.

Ok, ok.  First:  I love my job.  I mean I really love my day job.  I am a full time 7th grade Reading teacher, and I feel blessed everyday to walk into a building with wonderful colleagues and kids who are passionate about learning.  I can’t imagine ever wanting to leave my career or the classroom.  I’ve had the opportunity to write my own curriculum, participate in a number of professional development opportunities, and inspire students to think about literacy beyond the text.  Not to mention middle school kids keep me humble and make me laugh everyday!  

With that being said, I love my  job as a mom.  My son, Nick, is getting so big and I know in the near future there will be hockey practice and t-ball practice to add to our busy schedule.  Sometimes though, there doesn’t seem to be enough hours in the day.  I rush and rush and look around the house and the laundry didn’t get done or the dishes still need washed.  Every working mom I am sure has moments like this where you just don’t know if catching up is EVER going to happen. Or if you think about your To DO list, you might lose your mind!

Last year, I caught up with a sorority sister, Melanie Mitro who introduced me to Beachbody and coaching.    I fell in love with running challenge groups and watching others succeed in their personal health and fitness journey I could spend days and hours just digging into each person and creating a customized plan to help them meet their needs.  I truly want to see each and every person succeed in their own weight loss struggles.  I read my customer’s goals and WHY and I just want it for them so badly!  It’s become my other passion in life, and although it seems impossible to balance it all, I really think that if you have a passion for something, you find a way to make it work! I’ve just managed to balance my time so that I can do what I am passionate about.  It’s that simple.  

This passion has provided me with the opportunity to stay home full time for an entire year while completely matching the income I make as a teacher. 

Let me say, you don’t have to be a fitness professional, nutritionist or personal trainer to coach.  You just have to possess the want to help others and make a difference- to be the difference. 

There is no greater sense of pride than seeing your babies learn to walk, talk, read and write!  It’s the same thing with my coaches and challengers.  I feel an amazing sense of pride when someone reaches their goal weight or goes down a pant size.  I feel the same pride when my coaches reach Emerald, pay of credit card debt, quit their full time job to stay at home with their kids and create the financial freedom that they have dreamed of!

So I want to open this opportunity up to you!  You can determine if it would be a good fit for you.  There is no pressure and absolutely no commitment needed.  I just want you to hear all the different ways you can build a business.  You will hear from a few different coaches on our team and their unique spin to making Beachbody work for them!

I am also starting a unique mentoring program on October 7th for new coaches who are ready to learn about the business and take the next step.  This program is 60 days long and will require a few hours of your time each week.  I will have a closed group where I will mentor, support and guide you for 60 days to teach you my successful business strategy plus the tools of the trade from other top coaches in the industry!
For more information on how to be a part of the 60 day apprenticeship program please contact me NOW!

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