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Italian Veggie Pasta Salad

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Italian Veggie Pasta Salad
Total Time: 55 min.
Prep Time: 15 min.
Cooking Time: 10 min.
Yield: 2 servings

Hot water
1 cup dry organic brown rice and quinoa fusilli pasta (or equivalent)
2 tsp. extra-virgin olive oil
2 Tbsp. red wine vinegar
1 tsp. Dijon mustard
1 medium red bell pepper, chopped
1 medium orange bell pepper, chopped
½ medium red onion, chopped
1 cup cooked broccoli, cooled to room temperature
¼ cup crumbled feta cheese
½ cup fresh arugula

veggie salad, fix salad, fix lunch recipes, fixate cookbook
Lunch is Served!

1. Bring large saucepan of water to a boil over high heat; cook pasta according to package directions. Rinse and drain well.
2. While pasta is cooking, combine oil, vinegar, and mustard in a small bowl; whisk to blend. Set aside.
3. Combine warm pasta and dressing in a medium bowl; toss gently to blend.
4. Add bell peppers, onion, broccoli, and cheese; toss gently to blend. Chill for at least 30 minutes.
5. Add arugula; toss gently to blend. Serve immediately.
Tip: You can find brown rice and quinoa pasta at stores like Trader Joe’s, Whole Foods, health food markets, or online. If you can’t find it, substitute your favorite gluten-free or whole-grain pasta.

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