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NEW COACHES WANTED- Work from Home Income Opportunity

successful entrepreneurs, beachbody coach I’ve been getting a lot of questions lately about my career as a coach.

  • What exactly do I do?
  • Can it be done part time? 
  • What if I have another job? 
  • How do you make money? 
  • Can I REALLY do it too? 

I have to start by saying that I never had any intention of leaving my full time job as a teacher to pursue that network marketing thing.  In fact, when I started I had no clue what multi-level marketing even was.

Here are just a few benefits that I’ve experienced through Beachbody: 

> Freedom to work from home when I can
> Freedom to wear yoga pants all day
> The best shape of my life
> Daily accountability for long term results
> Free swag!  Lots of it!

When I started… 

work from home, income opportunity,  work online, sahm income opportunityAll I knew was I was seeing great results.  I was feeling good, it was fun, and I just really liked talking about it!


If you are reading this, you may have been following my story.  In 2014 I was diagnosed, fought and beat stage 4 Hodgkin’s Lymphoma.  It’s also the year that I extended my maternity and decided to create a full time career as coach and philanthropist. I thought it would be the year I fell apart.  Instead it was the year I found my purpose.

Your story with the company may still be unwritten.  But you hold the pen!

Here are some things to consider:

>>>I was able to work through my fight (when I was able) and still receive a 366%  yearly increase.
>>>I was able to find my own purpose through helping others. A large part of my time in 2015 will be spent on more philanthropic endeavors.
>>>I’ve traveled to Las Vegas and Scottsdale, Arizona for ” business meetings.”
>>>Daily I surround myself with motivated, inspiring, and beautiful woman who encourage me to set big goals and dream big.

cancer survivor stories

My goal is to help others, like you,  experience similar success. Your story isn’t mine.  And maybe you haven’t seen results yet using the Beachbody products.

>>>But maybe you have that itch to make a change or do something you’ve never done before?
>>> Maybe you are looking to make a part time income or just surround yourself with people who lift you up?

No matter what brings you to this post, I am excited to have you here and tell you that I may have a unique opportunity for you.

That’s right! Give coaching a go for thirty days, and if you decide it’s not for you, no questions asked!

The Apprenticeship will run for 30 Days and will begin February 9th.  There is no experience with Beachbody products necessary but a willingness to learn and help others is required!

The Steps to Begin Working as a Coach are Simple.

1. Please complete the application below.
2.  Friend me on Facebook: www.fb.com/fitmamabb
3. Know that it might be a little scary at first, but anything worthwhile always is!

Can’t wait to teach you how to succeed and build a life by design in 2015!

sahm jobs,  work from home opportunites
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