2013 elite coach beachbody success stories successful beachbody coaches T25 Transformation work from home dream jobs

Good Bye 2013 Hello 2014

So 2013 was a really big year for me personally, professionally and in my fitness life.  I want to take some time to reflect with you, my readers on what has happened to me over the past year.  I am doing this not because I want to toot my own horn but more importantly because I want you to know that you can achieve anything that you put your mind to as long as you work hard.  You can absolutely set goals for yourself but until you actually do the action steps each day they are just goals.  They are just words written on a piece of paper that you tuck away and forget about.  Just like the majority of us make New Years Resolutions and then we forget about them within the first few weeks of the year. Dreams are goals with deadlines.  Write them down and hold yourself accountable.

So last January I was a  new Diamond Beachbody Coach.  I was really diving into the business and I was setting goals for myself. I was following 3 simple steps to success:
1. Invite, Invite, Invite
2. Be a product of the product
3. Dive into personal development.
To be honest, I had no clue where my journey with Beachbody was going to lead me.  I was working full time as a teacher and discovered also that Mike and I were expecting baby #2.  I mean how could I really help others achieve their goals with a growing belly and build a team with a limited amount of time?  I knew if I wanted to achieve the goals that I set before me, it was going to take a hard work and more importantly consistency. 

I created a dreamboard to hold myself accountable.  I knew it wouldn’t be easy but there is such an absolute joy in being able to pay forward this opportunity to others. I was going to go ALL IN. I was going to do what it took to help others achieve their goals.  Was it always easy?  Nope?  Was it worth it? 
Well, here’s a summary of my 2013 goals:

beachbody results
So proud if this girl!

Looking back at these goals gives me an absolute rush of happiness. I can say that only three were left unmet! Here’s a little recap for you.

Success Club 5 & Inspiring others – I was helping others achieve their health and fitness goals through monthly challenge groups.  Not only was I beginning to see their physical transformations.  They were beginning to feel more confident, and many times they too wanted to pay it forward.  They were beginning to share their results with others by becoming coaches or simply sharing their success.

2013 elite coaches
The Elite Brigade Team

Star Diamond by Summit and 2 Star by November– Done and done.  I set this goal with a little bit of hesitation.  I was really nervous because it was assurance that this business was going to grow and I was going to help other coaches begin to build their businesses as well.  It wasn’t always easy, there were certainly hiccups along the road.  In fact a few times I had to ask myself if it was really worth it. But I kept pushing and put my effort into those who were ready to DREAM BIG.  Instead of 5 star, we became a 2013 elite team!  There are 5 diamonds on my team who are truly devoted to helping others achieve their goals.  I am so proud of each of these ladies.

post-partum weightloss

Surprise!- In early January we found out that we were pregnant with baby number two.  Thrilled with the news my prioities shifted slightly.  We were able to save up over $20, 000 and although the deck didn’t get built, I received something even better.  WE WERE ABLE TO KEEP ME HOME FOR AN ENTIRE YEAR TO BE WITH THE BABY!!!!!

Nonegotiable- My health–  Throughout the pregnancy I was determined to eat clean and workout. It was important to me to continue my healthy lifestyle and set a positive example for my son. By September, my business had grown and I had a healthy baby boy and an easy recovery post c-section number two!I’m not where I started before I got pregnant, but I am working hard to meet my goals and be the fittest mom I can be!

I didn’t run my 5K, but I decided that 2014 means I am running my first half marathon this May.  Talk about scary!

This year I am setting goals.  They are bigger. They are completely out of my comfort zone, but I’m going for it because I know how good it feels to pay forward what was once shown to me.  Success is not guaranteed, but I am ready to work. I am ready to build a team of moms and dads, teachers, and friends, fitness lovers, or transformations yet to come.  I am ready to help you find success: financially and physcially.  Are you ready to take that leap of faith?  Are you ready to go after what you’ve always wanted?  Are you ready because I am. There is no experience required.  There’s no such thing as the perfect body.  All you need is the go to attitude and a desire to help others. Complete the application here to join the ELITE BEACHBODY TEAM and get exclusive training from the Diamonds on the Knockout Brigade!

It’s going down! Are you in for the ride?!?!?!

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