Easter,Easter candy tricks,healthy holiday choices
healthy holidays

Easter Tricks

According to the calendar, Spring is here. Punxsutawney Phil even said it would be here by now.

Well – they are both LIARS!

We got ANOTHER 4 inches of snow this week! Will this winter ever end?

With all the snow and cold weather, it’s hard to believe that Easter is only two days away. I actually kinda forgot about it this year. That’s probably because I am not really thinking too far into the future, because if I do, I see more snow.

So, while I was out grocery shopping last Sunday, I thought I better get on the ball with Easter basket goodies for Nick. Last year, it was junk food galore for my son. This year, it’s a whole new ballgame!

Here is how we will be celebrating Easter minus the highly processed sugar!

Easter,Easter candy tricks,healthy holiday choices1.  Have an Easter egg hunt:  Instead of filling plastic eggs with candy this year, we’ll be using other kid-friendly, non-edible items such as stickers, temporary tattoos, matchbox cars, Play-Doh,  and some spare change for his piggy bank.
2. Replace the highly processed candyLet’s face it shelves are stocked with chocolate bunnies and eggs loaded with sugar, syrups, and hard-to-pronounce stuff. A holiday without chocolate is just cruel, so keep a few things in mind when choosing a healthier chocolate bar. To reap the benefits of dark chocolate, choose a bar with 70 percent or more cacao. Healthy bonus points: Cacao has been shown to help lower blood pressure and reduce the risk for coronary heart disease.  Yes, chocolate is good for you!
3. Carrots: You don’t have to tell me carrots aren’t as cool as chocolate. I know. But, the Easter bunny loves ‘em, right? Wrap a few carrot sticks with green ribbon, or fill small cellophane bags with baby carrots to jazz the veggie up. Toss a few individual hummus containers in the basket as well for a healthy dipper. C’mon, I had to throw a veggie in there somewhere! 

4.  Entertain outdoor fun:  I’ve always gotten gifts that can be used in the spring (which, is coming, right?) So try items like soccer ball, whiffle ball, a kite, bowling set, sidewalk chalk and of course some bubbles.  Try a jump rope too.  You can get in a good 10 minute cardio workout!

Easter,Easter candy tricks,healthy holiday choices

Other Items to Add

  • Fruit and Justin’s Almond Butter packets
  • Trail Mix
  • Cocoa Dusted Almonds
  • Green Tea
  • Annie’s Cheddar Bunnies
  • Homemade Peanut Butter Eggs

Easter,Easter candy tricks,healthy holiday choices

I hope everyone has a great week and maybe Spring is showing up in your neck of the woods? I’m ready to shoot that dang groundhog!

Email me if you’d like more information about April Challenge Groups and Clean Eating Eating Groups.  Also, let me know if you’d like a complimentary meal plan to get your post Easter Pantry ready for spring!

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