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Mommin’ Ain’t Easy

I am not a super hero. 

momfidence, pinterest fails, mom blogs, katy ursta, life after cancer

Unless you want to take into consideration the countless rescue missions for my pinterest fail,
I have not earned the title.

I don’t have a cape.
In fact, let’s be honest…

I don’t even have a clean house.
And if I am being totally transparent, right now I don’t even have a functioning vaccuum.

The email about the PTA fundraiser got lost in the chaos of the inbox.
The homework that was sent home for me to review, I had to google the right answer.

And on the subject of school…
I sent my sons to school wearing clothes they picked out.  Yep. I let them wear clothing unmatched, faded, torn, and about 2 sizes too small.
And if you looked at me, you’d likely think,  “apple doesn’t fall far from that tree.” 

I am not a super hero. 

Yes. That was my child who threw the epic tantrum in the aisle of Target.
Yes. I gave in by giving him the phone because I was running late for a conference call.
Yes. That’s my seven year old riding with training wheels because he is too scared to ride on his own.
Yes. I assure you (ok and I assure myself a bit), he will go to college being able to ride a bike.
Yes. I am the mom who lost her patience in the parking lot of preschool.  I yelled.
Yes. I cried as soon as I got in the driver’s seat asking God for patience.

I am not a super hero. 

I am the mom who showed up late to pick up her son from the birthday party because I forgot to write down the address.
I am the mom who let her kid outside without a coat because I didn’t feel like fighting that battle.
I am the mom who forgot the packed lunch for the field trip because I didn’t put it on the calendar (and even if I did, I would likely still forget).
I am the mom who dropped the cuss word in front of your child on the way home from practice because I was cut off in traffic.

No super hero cape here. 
But maybe even something better… 

Because my kids are loved, infinitely… 
Because my kids are allowed to fail, forward facing… 
Because my kids are learning kindness, not perfection…
Because my kids are messy, sticky, and independent, always… 

I believe this is how I can make my little ding in the universe. 

Sweet friend.
You are doing amazing.
You are raising an incredible child.
You are doing it right.

And if you ask me, pinterest failing is a reminder that you are really living.  


pta mom, mom blogs,  momfidence, blogger moms

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