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Health Bet Challenge Invitation

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FACT: Throughout the month of September, Beachbody is so confident that you could lose 5-15lbs, feel  better, have more energy, and fall in love with fitness that they’re betting up to $3 million dollars to prove it!

There are three mandatory commitments from ALL participants in order to receive your portion of the Health Bet pot.

The Bet will take place September 5th through October 2nd. 

1. Work out 30 minutes a day.
2. Drink Shakeology daily.
3. Log in daily with the free challenge tracker app for motivation and support.

beachbody health bet, what is the health bet, katy ursta, challenge tracker app
Do this throughout September and part of the potentially $3 million dollar pot is yours! No catch! No coach account necessary. Just a little jingle in the jeans that are gonna feel pretty loose!

Complete the application below to be part of the virtual Health Bet Challenge or leave your email for more details!
Again. I repeat. These are the steps.

1. Work out 30 minutes a day.
2. Drink Shakeology daily.
3. Log in daily with the free challenge tracker app for motivation and support.


  • No catch. No coaching account needed.
  • All levels of fitness needs!
  • Results are guaranteed. I bet money on it. 🙂 
beachbody health bet, what is the health bet, katy ursta, challenge tracker app

Yes it’s that simple.

Fuel your body with the BEST superfood nutrition.
Check in daily.

beachbody health bet, what is the health bet, katy ursta, challenge tracker app

You in?
Complete the application below. 

beachbody health bet, what is the health bet, katy ursta, challenge tracker app

Fill out my online form.

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