beachbody coach with cancer memorial day snack ideas party dishes for memorial day tips for staying on track during the holidays top coach

Tips for Staying on Track During a Holiday Weekend

This weekend, like so many others, my family and I will be celebrating the much anticipated arrival of summer by sitting by the pool, cooking out with family, and enjoying the company of friends.  Like so many other people I often struggle to stay on track during the holiday season.  It’s easy to get lured in my the temptations of potato chips and slow cooked ribs.  But I often ask myself, what do I want more ? Short term satisfaction or long term results?

Bring a Healthy Option to Parties.  
peach mango salsa recipe Instead of selecting from the food options that others provide, be proactive instead of reactive.  Bring with you an appetizer, dessert or an entree that everyone can enjoy.  It doesn’t even have to be labeled as a “clean” eat.  There are so many options available! When you have control over a few of the menu options, you will avoid the post party BLAHS! Here is one of my favorite recipes to share.

Going Away? Prep your food and pack it up!
Just like you pack your clothes when you go on a trip, pack your food as well.  Select foods that pack easily.Grab a cooler and pack up!  Here are my favorite on the go snacks!


  • Carrots and Hummus 
  • Apples 
  • String Cheese 
  • Trail Mix 
  • Quest Bars 
  • Shakeology  (The one meal a day I don’t go without ; it’s equivalent to eating 5 salads in one serving)
  • Vacation Oatmeal

Here are some other snacks that will keep you fueled throughout the day!

Check out the Menu Before You Head Out to the Restaurant!
Most restaurants have their menus.  Check it out before you head out! Look for key words like grilled, steamed and broiled.  And don’t be afraid to speak up.  Most restaurant chefs are more than willing to make your meal specific to your tastes.  Learn more here.

Stay Hydrated!
Carry a water bottle with you to all everywhere.  You should drink at least 72 ounces of water everyday.  Drink even more when it’s hot outside, or you’ve had an intense workout. Drinking water is easy not to do- especially when you are busy!

Get it done!  It’s so easy to skip, but it’s also pretty easy to fit in a 30 minute workout no matter where you are.  If you are traveling, throw your laptop in the suitcase and bust out some T25 or any Beachbody Workout! Spend time throughout the weekend being as active as possible.  Take a walk, swim a few laps, play with the kiddos.  Just keep moving!

working out and cancer

Most importantly, enjoy yourself!  Don’t throw away all the hard work you’ve done throughout the week.  It’s ok to have a “treat” meal, but the more you plan for success,  the easier it will be to keep your goals on track. 

Hope this helps!  Please message me if you would like to work together to begin setting your summer health and fitness goals. 

successful beachbody coach

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