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Fit Momma (To Be Round Two)

Pregnancy with Nick on the left and baby2 on the right!

Mike and I are beyond thrilled to announce that baby number two is on the way!  AHHHH!  What does this mean for us?  Um, dirty diapers again, sleepless nights, nap schedules, teething, washing bottles, running vaporizers, car seat carriers, baby proofing, ANNNNNDDDD we couldn’t be more excited for it this time around.

So what does this mean for me and my workouts?  What do I do when I am seriously craving chocolate or chips or strangely enough, banana peppers?  How in the world will I still get up at 5 am?  Shakeology and pregnancy:  yes or no?  So many things to think about and I intend to share all of my findings! 

Definitely showing earlier the second time!

Right now there are three things that I am doing to keep energized and have the healthiest pregnancy possible!

    10 weeks and doing a modified leg workout!

    1. Eating a well balanced diet, paying attention to my calcium intake:  drinking more milk  and eating a little extra protein (this should be easy considering Mike is starting BODY BEAST). Also, I drink lots of water—six to ten glasses a day—for me it’s 60 ounces (body weight divided by 2). And of course I am loading up on the fresh fruit and vegetables.
    2. Staying active! I continued on with Les Mills Combat and am planning on doing Chalean Extreme for the duration of the pregnancy.  Chalean Extreme can be extremely challenging but I can easily modify it as the pregnancy progresses.  It is recommended to continue exercise programs that you were doing before you became pregnant according to the recommendations of your health care provider. If you were not exercising before becoming pregnant, consider yoga, walking, or swimming. Start with short periods of exercise, and gradually increase the amount of time you are exercising.
    3. Getting plenty of rest. Listen to your body to determine if you need short breaks during the day and to determine how many hours of sleep you need at night. So 5 am may not happen every morning, but it’s not an excuse.  Often, Nick is right by my side doing push-ups or burpees!  I wonder how much longer before my belly excuses me from these workouts! 

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